Begin Your Enrollment

Apply here to gain benefits that will help you strategically position your company for success in the commercial construction industry.

Enrollment for 2023 is closed.
Please fill out the form below if you would like to participate in the 2024 Strong Foundations Program courses.

Value for Enrolled Construction Companies

CAIA Stars

Practical Knowledge

Hear from industry experts over the course of seven months and gain knowledge on a range of topics from legal documents to accounting.

CAIA Stars

Additional Training

Access to select training seminars, benefits, and services free to your company, funded by the Construction Allies in Action initiative.

CAIA Stars

Mentor Match

Matched with a mentor Ally, who will help encourage your company’s growth, endorse the work your company does, and provide letters of recommendation.

CAIA Stars

Graduate Certificate

Certificate of completion to be presented to you at the end of the year graduation and awards ceremony.

Program Overview

Each Minority Construction Company is enrolled in the Strong Foundations Program for a full year.


  • Months 1 – 7 | Attend 2-3 hour sessions (1 per month) with industry experts specializing in many fields from finance to retaining employees.
  • Months 8 – 12 | Get connected with an Ally who is committed to being an advocate, encouraging growth, and helping your company navigate through the commercial construction industry.
  • Month 12 | Graduation & Awards Ceremony